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Consulting & Pond Design

Pond Design Consultation

Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois

Many people ask, "How much will it cost to put a half-acre pond on my property?”
The truth is, there is no easy answer to such a question. In pond construction, there are numerous variables to consider before we can provide an estimate, such as:

What is the function of the pond:

  • Fishing, swimming, wildlife, or all of these?
  • What are the soil types?
  • Is there bedrock?
  • Where is the water table?
  • Will the basin need dewatering during construction?
  • Can the excavated material be placed nearby, or will it have to be loaded on trucks and hauled away?
  • Will permits be needed?
  • Will a wetland delineation be needed?
  • Will the pond need a liner?
  • Will it need a well?
  • What kind of features will the pond have?
  • A beach, a waterfall, riprap, a footbridge, native aquatic plantings, terrestrial plantings around the pond, aeration, fish habitat structures, fish stocking, a dock, etc.?


Pond Design Consultation
Pond Design & Construction

All these variables can have a dramatic impact on the cost of pond construction. To answer these questions, we need to research, dig test holes, take measurements, and design plans. A pond design consultation is the starting point for answering questions about the feasibility, and cost, of putting a pond on your property.

The professional design services offered by Cason Land & Water Management, LLC are worth the expense. Poorly designed ponds increase the need for maintenance while reducing recreational, aesthetic, and property value. We receive more requests for fixing poorly designed ponds than we do for new pond construction. Avoid the financial burden of a poorly planned pond. Instead, get it done right the first time with experienced professionals and a proper design. We have years of experience constructing ponds throughout Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois.

Get A Quote

If you need someone to take your pond project from start to finish, or if you plan to dig your own pond and just need to discuss logistics, Cason Land & Water Management, LLC is here to help.

We offer the following services:

Pond & Lake Management Professionals Serving Wisconsin & Upper Peninsula Michigan / Northern Illinois Area