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Shoreline Assessments

Shoreline Assessments

Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois

Cason Land & Water Management, LLC provides Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, and Minnesota clients with shoreline assessments for lake management. The purpose of a shoreline assessment is to assist in improving water quality, and habitat, for fish and wildlife.

Unfortunately, modified and developed shorelines can detrimentally impact the health of a lake's ecosystem.

These are some common shoreline considerations analyzed during assessments:

  • Unfiltered runoff carries nutrients and pollutants into the water.
  • Some fish and wildlife species depend on undisturbed shoreline habitats.
  • Boat wake and natural wave action can cause erosion, bringing additional sediments and nutrients into the water.
  • Riprap and shoreline armoring impact fish and wildlife habitats.
  • Manicured lawns can be detrimental to water, as they allow unfiltered runoff to enter.
  • Livestock and agricultural fields are sources of nutrient runoff.
  • Highly developed land with impervious surfaces is the source of nutrient and pollutant runoff.

The purpose of living on a lake is to enjoy the lake and your property. It is not feasible, nor practical, to expect every shoreline landowner to maintain a fully natural shoreline. However, there are easy, unobtrusive ways to manage shorelines that will improve water quality, along with fish and wildlife habitat.

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To understand which shoreline improvements need to be made on your lake, the first step is a shoreline assessment. Our biologists will visit the lake to survey and map the entire shoreline. We will then provide you with recommendations that individual landowners can implement to improve the lake's ecosystem.

Grant funding is available for many shoreline improvements, and we will help you obtain any available grants for implementing your projects.

Pond & Lake Management Professionals Serving Wisconsin & Upper Peninsula Michigan / Northern Illinois Area