Water Quality Management
Water Quality Management
Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois
How is the water quality in your lake or pond? Has it changed over time? How does it compare to other lakes and ponds in the area? These are questions Cason Land & Water Management, LLC can help you answer.
There are many factors that can lead to poor water quality, including high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll, low dissolved oxygen levels, and invasive aquatic life. By understanding how all these parameters interact, we can begin to understand how and why a lake or pond may have poor water quality. The biologists at Cason Land & Water Management, LLC will help you interpret the data and tell you what is happening in your lake.

Understanding the chemical, physical, and biological parameters of your Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, or Minnesota lake or pond is essential to developing an effective management strategy. Cason Land & Water Management, LLC has the resources to test surface water, groundwater, and sediments.
We commonly analyze the following parameters as part of our water quality monitoring services:
- Dissolved oxygen & Temperature
- Conductivity
- pH
- Water clarity (Secchi depth)
- Total phosphorus
- E. coli
- Fecal Coliform
- Total dissolved solids
- Total suspended solids
- Volatile solids
- Silica & silicon dioxide
- Sulfide
- Hardness & alkalinity
- Ammonia
- Nitrates
- Nitrites
- Kjeldahl Nitrogen
- Carbon dioxide
- Chloride
- Volatile Organic Sediments
- Percent Organic Sediments
Selecting which factors to test will depend on the project goals of the lake or pond owner. If you want to ensure that your lake or pond is safe for swimming and fishing, water testing will be different than for someone who wants to determine if fish can successfully spawn. Selecting the right water quality testing protocol is imperative to accurately answering your water quality questions. Contact Cason Land & Water Management, LLC to have one of our biologists help design the right water testing for your lake or pond!